compile(group: 'com.groupdocs', name: 'groupdocs-annotation-cloud', version: '21.6')
<dependency org="com.groupdocs" name="groupdocs-annotation-cloud" rev="21.6">
<artifact name="groupdocs-annotation-cloud" ext="jar"/>
libraryDependencies += "com.groupdocs" % "groupdocs-annotation-cloud" % "21.6"
What’s new in GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud 21.6
Custom Font Loading: This release introduces the ability to load custom fonts into documents during annotation and preview processes. Developers can now specify a directory containing custom fonts, providing greater flexibility and control over document rendering.
ZIndex Option for Annotations: The new ZIndex property allows annotations to be layered over page content, ensuring that important annotations are visible and correctly ordered. This feature is particularly useful for documents requiring multiple annotations with precise layering.
Enhanced Preview Options: Added several new options to the preview method, including the ability to set the image resolution (in DPI) and control whether annotations are rendered on the preview. Users can now generate previews without annotations, improving the document review process.
Key API Changes:
AnnotationInfo.ZIndex (int): Specifies the stack order of an annotation, allowing for better control over annotation layering.
PreviewOptions.FontsPath (string): Defines the path to a directory containing custom fonts in storage, ensuring documents are rendered with the correct fonts.
AnnotateOptions.FontsPath (string): Similar to PreviewOptions, this property defines the path to custom fonts for use during annotation.
PreviewOptions.Resolution (int): Allows users to set the resolution of generated images, enhancing the clarity of document previews.
PreviewOptions.RenderAnnotations (bool): Controls whether annotations are included in the generated preview, giving users the option to view clean, unannotated documents.
To view the complete list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release please visit the GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud 21.6 Release Notes.
File | Classifier | Size |
groupdocs-annotation-cloud-21.6-javadoc.jar | javadoc | 929 KB |
groupdocs-annotation-cloud-21.6-sources.jar | sources | 138 KB |
groupdocs-annotation-cloud-21.6.jar | 233 KB | |
groupdocs-annotation-cloud-21.6.pom | 2 KB |
Document Annotation Java Cloud REST API GroupDocs.Annotation SDK API Document Management Cloud REST API Document Annotation Java SDK Cloud Document Annotator Annotation Types Text Annotations Image Annotations Shape Annotations Annotation Properties PDF Annotation Word Annotation Excel Annotation PowerPoint Annotation Image Annotation Rendering Documents Preview Documents Remove Annotations Extract Annotations File Management Folder Management Storage Management File API Folder API Storage API Supported File Formats Document Information Get Pages Annotation Info Annotation Options Advanced Annotation Usage Area Annotation Arrow Annotation Distance Annotation Ellipse Annotation Link Annotation Point Annotation Polyline Annotation Resources Redaction Annotation TextField Annotation TextHighlight Annotation TextRedaction Annotation TextReplacement Annotation TextStrikeout Annotation TextUnderline Annotation Watermark Annotation Squiggly Annotation Microsoft Word OpenOffice Writer Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint OpenOffice Impress Microsoft Visio Microsoft Outlook AutoCAD DICOM HTML MHTML PDF MetaFiles Maven Install from Source JWT OAuth 2.0 Authorization Authentication Sample Code Java Examples Get Started Client ID Client Secret GroupDocs Cloud Cloud Storage Deploy to Maven Install SDK API Configuration