GroupDocs.Metadata for Cloud 20.4 Release Notes


GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud is a powerful and easy to use metadata management REST API which allows users to read and edit metadata associated with various document, image, audio, video and many other formats.

The API also provides operations to extract metadata, add, search, modify and remove metadata in supported file formats.

Major Features

This is the first release of a completely new version of the GroupDocs.Metadata.Cloud?API.

  • Includes Storage and File API which enables users to manage storage and files
  • Retrieving Metadata
  • Adding Metadata
  • Searching Metadata
  • Modifying Metadata
  • Removing Metadata

API Endpoint Groups Overview

Endpoint Group

|Metadata|Contains endpoints for add, remove, set and extract metadata. |Info|Contains endpoints for obtaining list of formats supported by GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud, getting basic information about document and its pages, retrieve metadata tags information. | File | Contains endpoints for upload, download, copy, move, delete files in the storage

| Folder | Contains endpoints for creating, copy, move, delete folders in the storage

| Storage | Contains endpoints for obtaining storage information and file information

Public API Examples