If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.

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The package is available at npmjs.com and it can be installed via npm by executing following command:

> npm install groupdocs-annotation-cloud

NPM Version NPM Downloads NPM-GroupDocsCloud

Cloud Document Annotation Node.js SDK

The GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js is designed to simplify document annotation management in the cloud. It allows developers to efficiently annotate, edit, and manage annotations on a wide variety of document formats. With this SDK, you can seamlessly integrate annotation features into your Node.js applications and perform operations such as adding, editing, and deleting annotations, as well as extracting metadata.

Annotation Node.js SDK works as a wrapper for the RESTful APIs to add Document Annotation features such as manipulation of sticky notes, watermark overlays, redactions, text replacements and markups to documents, presentations, emails, spreadsheets, PDF, images other file formats.

Document Annotations

Text Annotations

Add comments or notes within the text to explain or clarify.

Area Annotations

Highlight specific areas in a document for detailed notes or emphasis.

Point Annotations

Mark points of interest in the document for easy reference.

Arrow Annotations

Direct attention to specific elements using arrows.

Strikeout/Underline Annotations

Emphasize text by striking through or underlining it.

Markup Features


Highlight important sections of the document for easy identification.


Completely censor sensitive information within the document.


Protect document integrity by adding watermarks for ownership or confidentiality.

Annotation Management

Edit Annotations

Modify existing annotations as needed.

Delete Annotations

Remove unwanted or outdated annotations.

Export Annotations

Extract and save annotations for external sharing or documentation purposes.

Collaboration Features


Enable collaborative document review with thread-based comments.

Version Control

Track changes to annotations and maintain version history.

Real-Time Updates

Keep everyone on the same page with real-time annotation updates during collaborative work.

Security Features

Access Control

Ensure secure document annotations with role-based access.

Role-Based Permissions

Assign different levels of access to protect sensitive annotations.


Secure annotation data during storage and transfer with encryption.

Advanced Features

Combine Annotations

Merge multiple annotations into one document for streamlined review.

Layered Annotations

Use layered annotations to organize redactions and markups for added flexibility.

Custom Annotation Styles

Personalize annotations with custom colors, opacity, and size.

API Integration

Seamlessly integrate annotation features into your systems using REST APIs.

Scalable Infrastructure

Handle high-traffic environments with the SDK’s scalable architecture.

Supported Annotation Types

Area Annotation

Mark specific regions of a document with customizable dimensions and allow users to reply and collaborate on highlighted areas.

Distance Annotation

Measure precise distances between objects in documents, particularly useful for technical or engineering documents.

Ellipse Annotation

Highlight circular or elliptical areas with customizable radius, color, and opacity settings for visibility.

Image Annotation

Insert images into the document to visually enhance or mark specific sections. Supports resizing and positioning of images.

Add hyperlinks to external resources by linking text or document areas, supporting web navigation and references.

Multiple Annotation

Apply multiple annotation types (text, shapes, images) simultaneously, perfect for documents requiring diverse markups.

Point Annotation

Attach comments to specific points within a document, ideal for pinpoint feedback during document review.

Polyline Annotation

Draw connected lines to form complex shapes or paths within the document. Customize line thickness, color, and opacity.

Resource Redaction Annotation

Redact confidential information with black rectangles to hide sensitive data, useful for legal and financial documents.

Squiggly Annotation

Use a squiggly underline to highlight text, ideal for marking spelling or grammatical errors.

With the GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js, developers can easily integrate robust annotation features into their applications, enabling users to manage and collaborate on documents more effectively.

Supported Annotation Formats

File FormatDescriptionAnnotate
DOC, DOCXWord® Document✔️
OTTOpen Document Standard Format✔️
ODTOpen Document Text File Format✔️
DOCMMicrosoft Word® Open XML Macro-Enabled Document✔️
DOTWord® Document Template File✔️
DOTXWord® Open XML Document Template✔️
DOTMWord® Open XML Macro-Enabled Template File✔️
RTFRich Text File Format✔️
TXTPlain Text File Format✔️
PDFPortable Document Format✔️
PPT, PPTXPresentation Document Format✔️
PPSXPowerPoint Open XML Slide Show✔️
ODPOpenDocument Presentation File Format✔️
OTPOpenDocument Presentation Template✔️
XLS, XLSXCells Document Format✔️
XLSBMicrosoft Excel® Binary Spreadsheet File✔️
XLSXMicrosoft Excel® Open XML Spreadsheet✔️
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communication in Medicine✔️
DJVUDjVu Format✔️
EMF/WMFEnhanced MetaFile / Windows MetaFile✔️
CADComputer-Aided Design✔️
EML/EMLXEmail Markup Language✔️
HTMLHypertext Markup Language✔️
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group✔️
TIFFTagged Image File Format✔️
GIF (static images without animation)Graphics Interchange Format✔️
VSDMicrosoft Visio® Drawing✔️
VDXMicrosoft Visio® XML File Format✔️
VSSMicrosoft Visio® Stencil File Format✔️
VSDMMicrosoft Visio® Macro-Enabled Drawing File✔️
MSGEmail Message✔️

Getting Started GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud Node.js SDK


A package groupdocs-annotation-cloud is available at npmjs.com. You can install it with:

npm install groupdocs-annotation-cloud

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following JavaScript code:

// load the module
var GroupDocs = require('groupdocs-annotation-cloud');

// get your appSid and appKey at https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud (free registration is required).

// construct AnnotationApi
var infoApi = GroupDocs.InfoApi.fromKeys(appSid, appKey);

// retrieve supported file-formats
    .then(function (response) {
        console.log("Supported file-formats:")
        response.formats.forEach(function (format) {
            console.log(format.fileFormat + " (" + format.extension + ")");
    .catch(function (error) {
        console.log("Error: " + error.message)

Or compile and run same written in TypeScript:

// load the module
import { InfoApi } from "groupdocs-annotation-cloud";

// get your appSid and appKey at https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud (free registration is required).

// construct AnnotationApi
const infoApi: InfoApi = InfoApi.fromKeys(appSid, appKey);

// retrieve supported file-formats
    .then((result) => {
        console.log("Supported file-formats:");
        result.formats.forEach((format) => {
            console.log(format.fileFormat + " (" + format.extension + ")");
    .catch((error) => {
        console.log("Error: " + error.message);

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud API Data Models

FilesUploadResult, Error, ErrorDetails, FilesList, StorageFile, StorageExist, ObjectExist, DiscUsage, FileVersions, FileVersion, AnnotationInfo, Rectangle, Point, AnnotationReplyInfo, FileInfo, AnnotationApiLink, Link, RemoveOptions, AnnotateOptions, FormatsResult, Format, DocumentInfo, PageInfo, ConsumptionResult, PageImages, PageImage, LinkElement, PreviewOptions

Node.js Code Sample 1: Add Text Field Annotation to a Document

This concise snippet demonstrates how to add a text field annotation to a document using the GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js. Be sure to replace appSid and appKey with your actual credentials from the GroupDocs Cloud dashboard.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/groupdocs-annotation-cloud/groupdocs-annotation-cloud-node-samples
global.annotation_cloud = require("groupdocs-annotation-cloud");
global.appSid = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.appKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.annotateApi = annotation_cloud.AnnotateApi.fromKeys(appSid, appKey);
let a1 = new annotation_cloud.AnnotationInfo();
a1.annotationPosition = new annotation_cloud.Point();
a1.annotationPosition.x = 1;
a1.annotationPosition.y = 1;
a1.box = new annotation_cloud.Rectangle();
a1.box.x = 100;
a1.box.y = 100;
a1.box.width = 200;
a1.box.height = 100;
a1.pageNumber = 0;
a1.fontColor = 65535;
a1.fontSize = 12;
a1.type = annotation_cloud.AnnotationInfo.TypeEnum.TextField;       
a1.text = "Text field text";
a1.creatorName = "Anonym A.";
let fileInfo = new annotation_cloud.FileInfo();
fileInfo.filePath = "annotationdocs\\one-page.docx";
let options = new annotation_cloud.AnnotateOptions();
options.fileInfo = fileInfo;
options.annotations = [a1];
options.outputPath = "Output/output.docx";
let result = await annotateApi.annotate(new annotation_cloud.AnnotateRequest(options));
console.log("AddTextFieldAnnotation: Text Field Annotation added: " + result.href);

Node.js Code Sample 2: Add Area Annotation to Document Using Node.js SDK

Learn how to add an area annotation to a document using GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js. This tutorial walks through creating a rectangle-shaped area annotation with customizable properties such as position, size, pen color, and more. Ideal for developers seeking to integrate cloud-based document annotation features into their Node.js applications.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/groupdocs-annotation-cloud/groupdocs-annotation-cloud-node-samples
global.annotation_cloud = require("groupdocs-annotation-cloud");
global.appSid = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.appKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.annotateApi = annotation_cloud.AnnotateApi.fromKeys(appSid, appKey);
let a1 = new annotation_cloud.AnnotationInfo();
a1.annotationPosition = new annotation_cloud.Point();
a1.annotationPosition.x = 1;
a1.annotationPosition.y = 1;
a1.box = new annotation_cloud.Rectangle();
a1.box.x = 100;
a1.box.y = 100;
a1.box.width = 200;
a1.box.height = 100;
a1.pageNumber = 0;
a1.penColor = 1201033;
a1.penStyle = annotation_cloud.AnnotationInfo.PenStyleEnum.Solid;
a1.penWidth = 1;
a1.type = annotation_cloud.AnnotationInfo.TypeEnum.Area;
a1.text = "This is area annotation";
a1.creatorName = "Anonym A.";
let fileInfo = new annotation_cloud.FileInfo();
fileInfo.filePath = "annotationdocs\\one-page.docx";
let options = new annotation_cloud.AnnotateOptions();
options.fileInfo = fileInfo;
options.annotations = [a1];
options.outputPath = "Output/output.docx";
let result = await annotateApi.annotate(new annotation_cloud.AnnotateRequest(options));
console.log("AddAreaAnnotation: Area Annotation added: " + result.href);

Node.js Code Sample 3: Remove Annotations from Document

Learn how to remove specific annotations from a document using GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js. This tutorial explains how to delete multiple annotations by their IDs and save the updated document. Perfect for developers who need to manage document annotations programmatically in Node.js applications.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/groupdocs-annotation-cloud/groupdocs-annotation-cloud-node-samples
global.annotation_cloud = require("groupdocs-annotation-cloud");
global.appSid = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.appKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Get AppKey and AppSID from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud
global.annotateApi = annotation_cloud.AnnotateApi.fromKeys(appSid, appKey);
let fileInfo = new annotation_cloud.FileInfo();
fileInfo.filePath = "input\\input.docx";
let options = new annotation_cloud.RemoveOptions();
options.fileInfo = fileInfo;
options.annotationIds = [1, 2, 3];
options.outputPath = "Output/output.docx";
// Remove annotations
let result = await annotateApi.removeAnnotations(new annotation_cloud.RemoveAnnotationsRequest(options));
console.log("DeleteAnnotations: annotations delete: " + result.href);

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