GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud 24.4 Release Notes

This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud 24.4

Major Features

  • Enhancements and bug fixes

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

CONVERSIONCLOUD-566BugDXF to PDF Conversion Throws internal Error
CONVERSIONCLOUD-567FeatureAdd support for new options in CadLoadOptions

Public API changes

Added new options to CadLoadOptions data structure:

CadLoadOptions.BackgroundColorColorA background color (for example: “Green”)
CadLoadOptions.DrawTypeenumType of drawing, “UseDrawColor” (default) - Allows to use common color, or “UseObjectColor” - Allows to use separate color for every object

Some options were removed from CadLoadOptions data structure:

CadLoadOptions.WidthnumberUse ConvertOptions.Width
CadLoadOptions.HeightnumberUse ConvertOptions.Height